Thursday, 22 October 2015

The troubles of being a lady



Being a lady, I know how it feels not to get noticed after putting so much effort in dressing up and persevered the pain in an attempt to look trendy in a pair of high heels. At times, I tend to think that being a lady is difficult. You have to wear layers of makeup everyday, fit in to short tight clothes in order to look good, and do so many other things like carrying huge bags. It's called being a lady.

Thank God there are mirrors in the washrooms. At times our makeup smudges in the middle of the day and mirrors come in handy to maintain our good looks. Things that a lady shouldn't lack in their handbag: make up kit, lipstick, lip gloss, wet wipes, and body spray.

In my school, dressing up has become the in thing.
Come to school at around 1pm and you will realise that no one is shabbily dressed. A showcase of different hairstyles, clothing, shoes, and bags. Everyone looks fantastic despite their background, height, weight, and complexion. Therefore, sifting through racks of secondhand clothing is a must in order to keep up with the latest fashion trends.
Research has shown
that ladies spend about £94,000, equivalent to Ksh 14, 836,020, on clothes in their lifetime whereas men spend £34,000, equivalent to Ksh 5, 366, 220. Hence ladies spend three times as much as the men do on clothing. Ladies need new outfits for special occasions or just to “treat” themselves. Whereas, men may buy a new shirt or trousers, that is usually the extent of it. Women need all the accoutrements that go with a new outfit. They need the right shoes, handbag, and necklace to go with the new outfit.

Recently, I realized that I've been caught up in the frenzy of looking good. Nowadays, i take about an hour to prepare myself. This has seen me get late for class. How could we possibly care so much about our image at the expense of our studies? But the answer is, image is key and not unless you are satisfied with how you look, you cannot be confident about yourself. Make sure you always look stunning and in an attempt to do so, keep time :-)



  1. Mmmhh
    Very interesting and informative. Will cime up with struggles men go through 😁even we have struggles... Nice job

  2. That would be really nice. I challenge you to do a research and share it with me then we can decide who has more struggles. Deal?

  3. I like your view on the ladies side but then you forgot that we the men also suffer in this too. Men may never talk about it but we also get low self esteem just because one has been put down coz he's not fashionable enough.... this trickles down to even the dating & other relationships. .... I can talj about this all day, let me leave it on there.

    nice job

  4. @Dennis Karori I like your perspective,in future I'll do about the men. Thanks for enlightening me.
